
Explore 11 quotes about Self-awareness

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Thales. Quoted in The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laërtius. c. 240 AD, bk. 1, ch. 1.

Current Citation

Thales. Quoted in The Lives of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laërtius, translated by Pamela Mensch, edited by James Miller. Oxford University Press, 2018, bk. 1, ch. 1.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin [published as Richard Saunders]. Poor Richard's Almanack. Philadelphia, 1743.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1743." Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

La Rochefoucauld, Francois. Reflexions ou sentences et maximes morales [Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims]. c. 1665.

Current Citation

La Rochefoucauld, Francois. Collected Maxims and Other Reflections, translated by E. H. and A. M. Blackmore and Francine Giguere. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Art is a way of recognizing oneself, which is why it will always be modern.

Louise Bourgeois

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Kuspit, Donald Burton. Interviewed by Louise Bourgeois. 1988.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin [published as Richard Saunders]. Poor Richard's Almanack. Philadelphia, 1741.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1741." Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin [published as Richard Saunders]. Poor Richard Improved. Philadelphia, 1750.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Poor Richard Improved." Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin [published as Richard Saunders]. Poor Richard's Almanack. Philadelphia, 1738.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1738." Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

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Bull Durham. Directed by Ron Shelton, The Mount Company, 1988.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin [published as Richard Saunders]. Poor Richard's Almanack. Philadelphia, 1738.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1738." Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

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Martin, Agnes. Quoted in Agnes Martin: Paintings, Writings, Remembrances, written by Arne Glimcher. Phaidon Press, 2012.

Man lives like a robot: mechanically efficient, but with no awareness.

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)

Authentication Score 3


Osho, aka Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree. "Why Should I Grieve Over Him?" A Sudden Clash of Thunder, 13 Aug. 1976, Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Pune, India.