
Explore 10 quotes from the 390s

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Original Citation

Augustine of Hippo. Confessiones [Confessions]. c. 398, bk. 8, ch. 7.

Current Citation

Augustine of Hippo. Confessions, translated by R. S. Pine-Coffin. Penguin Classics, 1961, bk. 8, ch. 7.

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St. Augustine of Hippo. De Duabus Animabus Contra Manichaeos. [Concerning Two Souls, Against the Manichaeans.] 391 AD.

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Saint Jerome. Letter to Paulinus. c. 395, sect. 2.

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Original Citation

Saint Jerome. Letter to Nepotian. c. 394, sect. 7.

Current Citation

Saint Jerome. "Letter LII." Select Letters of Saint Jerome. Aeterna Press, 2015, sect. 7.

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Original Citation

Saint Jerome. Letter to Heliodorus. c. 396, sect. 16.

Current Citation

Saint Jerome. "Letter LX." Select Letters of Saint Jerome. Aeterna Press, 2015, sect. 16.

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Original Citation

Saint Jerome. Letter to Furia. c. 394, sect. 13.

Current Citation

Saint Jerome. "Letter LIV." Select Letters of Saint Jerome. Aeterna Press, 2015, sect. 13.

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Original Citation

Saint Jerome. Letter to Furia. c. 394, sect. 4.

Current Citation

Saint Jerome. "Letter LIV." Select Letters of Saint Jerome. Aeterna Press, 2015, sect. 4.

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Original Citation

Saint Jerome. Letter to Heliodorus." c. 396, sect. 19.

Current Citation

Saint Jerome. "Letter LX." Select Letters of Saint Jerome. Aeterna Press, 2015, sect. 19.

When you are at Rome live in the Roman style: when you are elsewhere live as they live elsewhere.

St. Ambrose

Quoted in Letter to Casulanus, by Saint Augustine

Saint Ambrose's advice to Saint Augustine.

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Saint Ambrose. Quoted in "Letter To Casulanus, From Saint Augustine." c. 396, ch. 32.

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Original Citation

Saint Jerome. Letter to Paulinus. c. 394.

Current Citation

Saint Jerome. The Letters of Saint Jerome. Aeterna Press, 2016.