Roman Republic

Explore 55 quotes by people from Roman Republic

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. De Rerum Natura [On the Nature of Things]. c. 55 BC, bk. 3, l. 55.

Current Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. The Nature of Things, translated by Alicia Stallings. Penguin Classics, 2007, bk. 3, l. 55.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Quintus Ennius. Quoted in De Natura Deorum [On the Nature of the Gods], written by Cicero. c. 45 BC, bk. 1.

Current Citation

Quintus Ennius. Quoted in The Nature of the Gods, written by Cicero, translated by P. G. Walsh. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk. 1.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. De Rerum Natura [On the Nature of Things]. c. 55 BC, bk. 1, l. 518.

Current Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. The Nature of Things, translated by Alicia Stallings. Penguin Classics, 2007, bk. 1, l. 518.

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Authentication Score 2


Terence. Eunuchus [The Eunuch]. 161 BC, Megalesian Games, Rome, Italy, act 4, sc. 7.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Pro Milone [In Defense of Milo]. c. 52 BC, sect. 10.

Current Citation

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Pro Milone [For Milo], translated by D. H. Berry. Oxford University Press, 2009, sect. 10.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De Oratore [On the Orator]. c. 55 BC, bk. 2, ch. 9, sect. 36.

Current Citation

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Cicero: On the Orator, Books I-II, translated by E. W. Sutton and H. Rackham. Harvard University Press, 1948, bk. 2, ch. 9, sect. 36.

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Authentication Score 2


Varro, Marcus Terentius. Rerum rusticarum libri tres [Three Books on Agriculture]. 1st century BC, bk. 1.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Sallust. Bellum Catilinae [War of Catiline]. c. 43–40 BC.

Current Citation

Sallust. "The War with Catiline." The War with Catiline and The War with Jugurtha, translated by John T. Ramsey J. C. Rolfe. Harvard University Press, 2013.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. De Rerum Natura [On the Nature of Things]. c. 55 BC, bk. 1, l. 268.

Current Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. The Nature of Things, translated by Alicia Stallings. Penguin Classics, 2007, bk. 1, l. 268.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. De Rerum Natura [On the Nature of Things]. c. 55 BC, bk. 1, l. 1117.

Current Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. The Nature of Things, translated by Alicia Stallings. Penguin Classics, 2007, bk. 1, l. 1117.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Letter to Marcus Terentius Varro. c. 46 BC.

Current Citation

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Letters to Friends, edited and translated by D. R. Shackleton Bailey. Vol. 2, Harvard University Press, 2001.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. De Rerum Natura [On the Nature of Things]. c. 55 BC, bk. 4, l. 637.

Current Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. The Nature of Things, translated by Alicia Stallings. Penguin Classics, 2007, bk. 4, l. 637.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Sallust. Bellum Catilinae [War of Catiline]. c. 43–40 BC.

Current Citation

Sallust. "The War with Catiline." The War with Catiline and The War with Jugurtha, translated by John T. Ramsey J. C. Rolfe. Harvard University Press, 2013.

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Authentication Score 2


Plautus, Titus Maccius. Miles Gloriosus [The Swaggering Soldier]. c. 206 BC.

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Authentication Score 2


Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Laelius de Amicitia. c. 44 BC, ch. 17, sect. 64.