
Explore 3 quotes about Preferences

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

Molly Bawn

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Hungerford, Margaret Wolfe. Molly Bawn. Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz/Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1878.

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Original Citation

Heraclitus. Fragments. 5th century BC, F17 - DK B9.

Current Citation

Heraclitus. "Heraclitus of Ephesus." The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists, translated by Robin Waterfield. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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Original Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. De Rerum Natura [On the Nature of Things]. c. 55 BC, bk. 4, l. 637.

Current Citation

Carus, Titus Lucretius. The Nature of Things, translated by Alicia Stallings. Penguin Classics, 2007, bk. 4, l. 637.