Authentication Score 3
Guevara, Che. Interviewed by Boualam Rouissi. Libération, 17-23 Mar. 1965.
South America
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Neruda, Pablo. "Tonight I Can Write." Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, translated by W. S. Merwin. Penguin Classics, 2006.
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Borges, Jorge Luis. "Deutsches Requiem." The Aleph and Other Stories, translated by Andrew Hurley. Penguin Classics, 2004.
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Laforgue, Jules. "Complainte sur certains ennuis." Les Complaintes. Paris: LĂ©on Vanier, 1885.
Neruda, Pablo. "Towards the Splendid City." Acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize in Literature. 13 Dec. 1971, Stockholm, Sweden.
Neruda, Pablo. "Towards the Splendid City." Nobel Lectures in Literature, 1968-1980. World Scientific Publishing Co., 2007.
Pope Francis. "On Gay Priests, Pope Francis Asks, 'Who Am I to Judge?" The New York Times, July 2013.