
Explore 72 quotes by people from Switzerland

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Authentication Score 1

Original Citation

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Lettres de Deux Amans, habitans d'une petite Ville au pied des Alpes [Letters from two lovers, living in a small town at the foot of the Alps]. Amsterdam: Marc-Michel Rey, 1761, pt. 6, letter 7.

Current Citation

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Julie, or the New Heloise, translated by Philip Stewart and Jean Vache. Dartmouth College Press, 1997, pt. 6, letter 7.

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Authentication Score 3


Jung, Carl. Gegenwart und Zukunft [The Undiscovered Self], translated by R. F. C. Hull. Routledge & Kegen Paul, 1958.

The man who has no inner life is a slave to his surroundings.

Henri Frederic Amiel

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Authentication Score 2


Amiel, Henri-Frédéric. Journal entry. 7 Jan. 1866.

Authentication Score 0


Jung, Carl. "Problems of Modern Psychology." Modern Man in Search of a Soul, translated by Cary F. Baynes and William Stanley Dell. Kegen Paul, Trenche, Trubner & Co., 1933.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Hesse, Herman. Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend [Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth]. Fischer Verlag, 1919.

Current Citation

Hesse, Herman. Demian, translated by Damion Searls. Penguin Classics, 2013.

Authentication Score 3


Jung, Carl. Psychologie un Alchemie [Psychology and Alchemy] Routledge, 1944.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Hesse, Herman. Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend [Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth]. Fischer Verlag, 1919.

Current Citation

Hesse, Herman. Demian, translated by Damion Searls. Penguin Classics, 2013.

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Authentication Score 0


Jung, Carl. "Archaic Man." Modern Man in Search of a Soul, translated by Cary F. Baynes and William Stanley Dell. Kegen Paul, Trenche, Trubner & Co., 1933.

Love isn't there to make us happy. I believe it exists to show us how much we can endure.

Hermann Hesse

Peter Camenzind

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Hesse, Herman. Peter Camenzind. Samuel Fischer, 1904.

Current Citation

Hesse, Herman. Peter Camenzind, translated by Michael Roloff. Picador, 2003.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Hesse, Herman. Der Steppenwolf [The Steppenwolf]. S. Fischer Verlag, 1927.

Current Citation

Hesse, Herman. Steppenwolf, translated by Basil Creighton. Picador, 2002.

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Authentication Score 3


Jung, Carl. "Die Lebenswende." Seelenprobleme der Gegenwart. Rascher, 1931.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Jung, Carl. Psychologische Typen [Psychological Types]. Rascher Verlag, 1921.

Current Citation

Jung, Carl. Psychological Types, edited by R. F. C. Hull, translated by H. G. Baynes. Princeton University Press, 1976.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Jung, Carl. Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido [The Psychology of the Unconscious]. F. Deuticke, 1912.

Current Citation

Jung, Carl. "On the Psychology of the Unconscious." The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, translated by R. F. C. Hull. Vol. 7, Princeton University Press, 1972, pt. 4.

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Jung, Carl and Aniela Jaffé. Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken [Memories, Dreams, Reflections], translated by Richard and Clara Winston. Exlibris, 1962.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Hesse, Herman. Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend [Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth]. Fischer Verlag, 1919.

Current Citation

Hesse, Herman. Demian, translated by Damion Searls. Penguin Classics, 2013.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Hesse, Herman. Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend [Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth]. Fischer Verlag, 1919.

Current Citation

Hesse, Herman. Demian, translated by Damion Searls. Penguin Classics, 2013.

Technology is the knack of so arranging the world that we don't have to experience it.

Max Frisch

Homo Faber

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Frisch, Max. Homo faber. Ein Bericht. [Homo faber. A Report.] Abelard-Schuman, 1957.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Hesse, Herman. Getrud [Gertrude]. Albert Langen, 1910.

Current Citation

Hesse, Herman. Gertrude, translated by Hilda Rosner. Picador, 2005.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Hesse, Herman. Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend [Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth]. Fischer Verlag, 1919.

Current Citation

Hesse, Herman. Demian, translated by Damion Searls. Penguin Classics, 2013.

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Authentication Score 3


Jung, Carl. "The Art of Living." Sunday Times, 17 July 1960.