United States

Explore 2893 quotes by people from United States

Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?

Steve Jobs

Inviting John Sculley, then president of Pepsi, to join Apple.

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Jobs, Steve. Quoted in Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple, by John Sculley and John A. Byrne. Harper & Row, 1987, ch. 3. Originally a comment made to persuade John Sculley to become Apple's CEO, c. 1983.

They are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word "citizens" in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States.

Roger B. Taney

Dred Scott v. Sandford

On American slaves and their descendants.

Authentication Score 3


Taney, Roger B. United States, Supreme Court. Dred Scott v. Sandford. United States Reports, vol. 60, 6 Mar. 1857, pp. 393-633. Justia, supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/60/393/.

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Original Citation

Lewis, Sinclair. Elmer Gantry. Harcourt Trade Publishers, 1927, ch. 20.

Current Citation

Lewis, Sinclair. Elmer Gantry. Signet, 2007, ch. 20.

When the working day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun
Oh, girls just wanna have fun

Cyndi Lauper

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

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Hazard, Robert. "Girls Just Want to Have Fun." Performed by Cyndi Lauper. She's So Unusual. Portrait Records, 1983.

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Original Citation

Adams, Henry. The Education of Henry Adams. 1907, ch. 28.

Current Citation

Adams, Henry. "The Education of Henry Adams." Henry Adams: Democracy, Esther, Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, The Education of Henry Adams, edited by Ernest Samuels and Jayne Samuels. Library of America, 1983, ch. 28.

Authentication Score 2


Marshall, John. United States, Supreme Court. Marbury v. Madison. United States Reports, vol. 5, 24 Feb. 1803, pp. 137-180. Justia, supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/5/137/.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. "Table-Talk." Prose Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Vol. 1. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1857.

Current Citation

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. "Table-Talk." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Poems and Other Writings, edited by J. D. McClatchy. Library of America, 2000.

Read my lips: no new taxes.

George H.W. Bush

1988 Republican convention speech

Authentication Score 2


Bush, George H. W. Accepting the presidential nomination. Republican National Convention. 18 Aug. 1988, Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. I just told my mother I want a bra. Please help me grow God. You know where.

Judy Blume

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret

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Blume, Judy. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Bradbury Press, 1970, ch. 5.

If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn.

Charlie Parker

Hear Me Talkin' to Ya

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Parker, Charlie. Quoted in Hear Me Talkin' to Ya. Written by Nat Shapiro and Nat Hentoff. Rinehart & Company, 1955.

I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.

George W. Bush

Responding to a person at ground zero on 9/11 yelling, "I can't hear you!"

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Bush, George W. Remarks at World Trade Center site. 14 Sept. 2001, New York City, NY, USA.

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Original Citation

Jefferson, Thomas. A Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom. 18 June 1779.

Current Citation

Jefferson, Thomas. "An Act for Establishing Religious Freedom, 1779." The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Including the Autobiography, The Declaration of Independence & His Public and Private Letters, edited by Adrienne Koch and William Peden. Modern Library, 1998.

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Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. "The American Boy." St. Nicholas Magazine, May 1900.

And though hard be the task,
"Keep a stiff upper lip."

Phoebe Cary

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Cary, Phoebe. Keep a Stiff Upper Lip. c. 1870.

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Cash, June Carter and Merle Kilgore. "Ring of Fire." Performed by Johnny Cash. Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash. Columbia Nashville, 1963.

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Trump, Donald and Tony Schwartz. Trump: The Art of the Deal. Random House, 1987, ch. 1.

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Original Citation

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "The American Scholar." Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard College. 31 Aug. 1837, First Parish in Cambridge, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Current Citation

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "The American Scholar (1837)." The Portable Emerson, edited by Jeffrey S. Cramer. Penguin Classics, 2014.

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Williams, Hank. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry. MGM Records, 1949.

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Original Citation

Melville, Herman. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale. London: Richard Bentley/New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851, ch. 132.

Current Citation

Melville, Herman. Moby-Dick or, The Whale. Penguin Classics, 2002, ch. 132.

People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along?

Rodney King

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King, Rodney. Statement following Los Angeles riots. 1 May 1992, Los Angeles, CA, USA.