Authentication Score 3
Adorno, Theodor. Was bedeutet Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit [The Meaning of Working Through the Past]. 1959.
Philosophical literature
Adorno, Theodor. Was bedeutet Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit [The Meaning of Working Through the Past]. 1959.
Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. Oxford: Henry Cripps, 1621, pt. 1.
Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy, edited by Holbrook Jackson. New York Review Books, 2001, pt. 1.
Parfit, Derek. Reasons and Persons. Oxford University Press, 1984.
Russell, Bertrand. "An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish." Unpopular Essays. George Allen & Unwin, 1950.
Whitehead, Alfred North. Adventures of Ideas. The Macmillan Company/Simon and Schuster, 1933, ch. 19, sec. 1.
Bradley, F. H. Appearance and Reality. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1893, preface.
Bradley, F. H. Appearance and Reality. Routledge, 2010, preface.
Popper, Karl. The Open Society and Its Enemies. Vol. 2, Routledge, 1995, ch. 25.
Russell, Bertrand. The Conquest of Happiness. Liveright, 1930, ch. 9.
Camus, Albert. La Chute [The Fall]. Editions Gallimard, 1956.
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
Berkeley, George. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Dublin: Jeremy Pepat, 1710, sect. 6.
Berkeley, George. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, edited by Kenneth P. Winkler. Hackett Publishing Company, 1982, sect. 6.
Finkielkraut, Alain. La défaite de la pensée [The Undoing of Thought]. Gallimard, 1987.
Parfit, Derek. Reasons and Persons. Oxford University Press, 1984.
Warner, Charles Dudley. "Preliminary." My Summer in a Garden. Boston: James R. Osgood, 1870.
Krutch, Joseph Wood. "Reverence for Life: The Vandal and the Sportsman." The Great Chain of Life. Houghton Mifflin, 1956.
Berlin, Isaiah. Four Essays on Liberty. Oxford University Press, 1969, introduction.
Parfit, Derek. On What Matters. Vol. 3, Oxford University Press, 2017.
Whitehead, Alfred North. Adventures of Ideas. The Macmillan Company/Simon and Schuster, 1933, ch. 16, sec. 3.
Watts, Alan. The Way of Zen. Vintage Books, 1957.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce: Science and Philosophy. Vol. 7, The Belknap Press, 1966, par. 591.