
Explore 920 quotes from the following medium: Poem

We never have despair without some small hope.

Pier Paolo Pasolini

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Original Citation

Pasolini, Pier Paolo. "Un'Appendice alla 'Religione': Una luce [An Appendix to 'Religion': The Light]." La religione del mio tempo. [The Religion of My Time]. c. 1961.

Current Citation

Pasolini, Pier Paolo. "Appendice alla 'Religione': Una Luce/Appendix to 'The Religion of My Time: A Light." The Selected Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolinia: A Bilingual Edition, edited and translated by Stephen Sartarelli. University of Chicago Press, 2015.

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Cowley, Abraham. "Anacreontiques." Poems written by A. Cowley. London: Humphrey Moseley, 1656, no. 7.

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Original Citation

Raleigh, Walter. Even Such is Time. London, c. 1618, I. 1.

Current Citation

Raleigh, Walter. "Even Such is Time." Great Short Poems. Dover Publications, 2000, I. 1.

Is the dwelling place of God anywhere but in the earth and sea, the air and sky, and virtue? Why seek we further for deities? Whatever you see, whatever you touch, that is Jupiter.



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Original Citation

Lucan. Pharsalia, or De Bello Civili. c. 65, bk. 9, l. 578-580.

Current Citation

Lucan. Civil War, translated by Matthew Fox. Penguin Classics, 2012, bk. 9, l. 578-580.

In every house of marriage
there's room for an interpreter.

Stanley Kunitz

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Kunitz, Stanley. "Route Six." New England Review, c. 1993.

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Original Citation

Pope, Alexander. "An Essay on Man." London: J. Wilford, 1733, ep. 1, I. 289-292.

Current Citation

Pope, Alexander. "An Essay on Man." The Major Works, edited by Pat Rogers. Oxford University Press, 2009, ep. 1, l. 289-292.

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Original Citation

Hardy, Thomas. "The Convergence of the Twain." Souvenir Programme for the Titanic Disaster Fund, 1912, st. 8.

Current Citation

Hardy, Thomas. "The Convergence of the Twain." Thomas Hardy: Selected Poems, edited by Robert Mezey. Penguin Classics, 1998, st. 8.

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Cowper, William. "Retirement." Poems by William Cowper, of the Inner Temple, Esq. London: J. Johnson, 1782.

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Original Citation

Herrick, Robert. "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time." Hesperides; or the Works both Human and Divine of Robert Herrick Esq. London: John Williams, 1648.

Current Citation

Herrick, Robert. "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time." The Cavalier Poets: An Anthology, edited by Thomas Crofts. Dover Publications, 1995.

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Original Citation

Herbert, George. "The Church-Porch." The Temple, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 1633, st. 5.

Current Citation

Herbert, George. "The Church-Porch." The Complete Poetry, edited by John Drury and Victoria Moul. Penguin Classics, 2015, st. 5.

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Auden, W. H. "Funeral Blues." The Ascent of F6: A Tragedy in Two Acts. Faber & Faber, 1936.

Are all men in disguise except those crying?

Dannie Abse

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Abse, Dannie. "Encounter at a Greyhound Bus Station." Ask the Moon. Hutchinson, 2014.

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Original Citation

Rossetti, Christina. "Goblin Market." Goblin Market and Other Poems. London: Macmillan, 1862.

Current Citation

Rossetti, Christina. "Goblin Market." The Complete Poems. Penguin Classics, 2001.

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Original Citation

Tennyson, Alfred. The Princess. London: Edward Moxon, 1847, pt. 5, I. 437.

Current Citation

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. "The Princess." Alfred Tennyson: The Major Works, edited by Adam Roberts. Oxford University Press, 2009, pt. 5, I. 437.

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Bryant, William Cullen. "A Scene on the Banks of the Hudson." Poems. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1839, st. 3.

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Millay, Edna St. Vincent. "What Lips My Lips Have Kissed." The Harp-Weaver, and Other Poems. Harper & Brothers, 1923, I. 1.

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Thomson, James. Spring. London: Andrew Millar, 1728.

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Silverstein, Shel. "Listen to the Mustn’ts." Where the Sidewalk Ends. Harper & Row, 1974, I. 1.

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Original Citation

Browning, Robert. "Rabbi Ben Ezra." Dramatis Personae. London: Chapman & Hall, 1864, I. 1.

Current Citation

Browning, Robert. "Rabbi Ben Ezra." Robert Browning: The Major Works, edited by Adam Roberts. Oxford University Press, 2009, I. 1.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Rossetti, Christina. "A Christmas Carol." Scribner's Monthly, 1872, I. 1.

Current Citation

Rossetti, Christina. "A Christmas Carol." The Complete Poems. Penguin Classics, 2001, I. 1.