
Explore 30 quotes originally in Japanese

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Yamamoto, Tsunemomo. 葉隠 [Hagakure]. c. 1716.

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Letters from Iwo Jima. Directed by Clint Eastwood, DreamWorks Pictures/Malpaso Productions/Amblin Entertainment/Warner Bros., 2006.

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Letters from Iwo Jima. Directed by Clint Eastwood, DreamWorks Pictures/Malpaso Productions/Amblin Entertainment/Warner Bros., 2006.

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Kill Bill: Volume 1. Directed by Quentin Tarantino. A Band Apart, 2003.

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Kamo no Chomei. 方丈記 [An Account of My Hut]. c. 1212.

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Morita, Akio and Edwin M. Reingold and Mitsuko Simomura. Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony. ‎E. P. Dutton, 1986.

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Original Citation

Yoshida Kenko. Tsurezuregusa [Essays in Idleness]. c. 1332, ch. 13.

Current Citation

Yoshida Kenko. Essays in Idleness: The Tsurezuregusa of Kenko, translated by Donald Keene. Columbia University Press, 1998, ch. 13.

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Original Citation

Man'yōshū. Compiled by Otomo no Yakamochi. c. 759, bk. 2, poem 210-2.

Current Citation

Anonymous. 1000 Poems from the Manyoshu: The Complete Nippon Gakujutsu Shinko Translation, selected and translated by Iwanami Shoten. Dover Publications, 2005, bk. 2, poem 210-2.

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Fukuoka, Masanobu. 自然農法 わら一本の革命 [One-Straw Revolution]. Hakujusha, 1975.

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Yamamoto, Tsunemomo. 葉隠 [Hagakure]. c. 1716.