Bill Clinton

Explore 16 quotes by Bill Clinton

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Clinton, Bill. Grand jury testimony. Office of Independent Counsel. 17 Aug. 1998, Washington, DC, USA.

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Clinton, William J. "First Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1993, West Front, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Clinton, Bill. Response to the Monica Lewinsky allegations. 26 Jan. 1998, White House, Washington, DC, USA.

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Clinton, Bill. Comment on campaign trail. 29 Mar. 1992, New York, NY, USA.

The era of big government is over.

Bill Clinton

1996 State of the Union Address

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Clinton, Bill. "State of the Union Address." Joint session of the United States Congress. 23 Jan. 1996, United States Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

I feel your pain.

Bill Clinton

To an AIDS activist who was accusing him of avoiding the issue of AIDS.

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Clinton, Bill. Response to AIDS activist Bob Rafsky. 26 Mar, 1992. Laura Belle Nightclub, New York, NY, USA.

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Clinton, William J. "Second Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1997, West Front, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Clinton, Bill. Comment on 2000 presidential election. 8 Nov. 2000, The White House, Washington, DC, USA.

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Clinton, Bill. Remarks at the US National Cemetery. 6 June 1994, Colleville-sur-Mer, France.

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Clinton, William J. "Second Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1997, West Front, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Clinton, William J. "First Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1993, West Front, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Clinton, William J. "First Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1993, West Front, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Authentication Score 3


Clinton, William J. "Second Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1997, West Front, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Authentication Score 3


Clinton, William J. "Second Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1997, West Front, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Authentication Score 3


Clinton, William J. "Second Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1997, West Front, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.