Henri Matisse

Explore 5 quotes by Henri Matisse

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Matisse, Henri. Quoted in Artist to Artist: Inspiration & Advice from Artists Past & Present, written by Clint Brown. Jackson Creek Press, 1998.

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Matisse, Henri. Chatting with Henri Matisse: The Lost 1941 Interview. Interviewed by Pierre Courthion, edited by Serge Guilbaut, translated by Chris Miller. Getty Publications, 2013, p. 90.

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Original Citation

Matisse, Henri. "Notes d'un peintre [Notes of a Painter]." Le Grande Revue, 25 Dec. 1908.

Current Citation

Matisse, Henri. "Notes of a Painter." Matisse on Art, translated and edited by Jack Flam. University of California Press, 1995, ch. 2.

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Original Citation

Matisse, Henri. Quoted in "Henri Matisse." Les Cahiers d'aujourd'hui, written by Marcel Sembat. Paris: George Besson, 1913, no. 4.

Current Citation

Matisse, Henri. Quoted in Matisse the Master, written by Hilary Spurling. Vol. 2, Penguin Classics, 2006.

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Liberman, Alexander. The Artist in His Studio. The Viking Press, 1960.