Norman Mailer

Explore 6 quotes by Norman Mailer

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Mailer, Norman. "She Thought the Russians Was Coming." Esquire, 1 June 1960.

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Mailer, Norman. "The Homosexual Villain." Advertisements for Myself. Harvard University Press, 1959. Originally published in One Magazine, Jan. 1955.

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Mailer, Norman. "The Psychology of Astronauts." Of a Fire on the Moon. Little, Brown and Co., 1970. Originally published in Life Magazine, 14 Nov. 1969.

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Mailer, Norman. The Presidential Papers. Bantam Books, 1964, preface.

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Mailer, Norman. Marilyn: A Biography. Grosset & Dunlap, 1973.

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Mailer, Norman. "The Big Bite." The Presidential Papers. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1963. Originally published in Esquire, Apr. 1963.