Susan B. Anthony

Explore 7 quotes by Susan B. Anthony

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Anthony, Susan B. The Revolution. 15 Jan. 1868.

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Original Citation

Anthony, Susan B. “Champion of Her Sex.” Interviewed by Nellie Bly. New York World, 2 Feb. 1896.

Current Citation

Anthony, Susan B. “Champion of Her Sex.” The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: An Awful Hush 1895 to 1906, edited by Ann D. Gordon. Vol. 6, Rutgers University Press, 2013.

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Anthony, Susan B. Letter to Elizabeth Cady Stanton. 5 June 1856.

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Anthony, Susan B. Speech made after she was arrested for casting an illegal vote in the presidential election of 1872. 5 Nov. 1872, Rochester, NY, USA.

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Anthony, Susan B. “Women’s Rights to the Suffrage." 17 June 1873, Rochester, NY, USA.

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Anthony, Susan B. The Revolution. 8 Oct. 1969.

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Anthony, Susan B. "Social Purity." Dime lecture course. 14 Mar. 1875, Grand Opera House, Chicago, IL, USA.