
Explore 245 quotes by Activists

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Keller, Helen. We Bereaved. Leslie Fulenwider, 1929.

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Addams, Jane. Twenty Years at Hull House. The Macmillan Company, 1910.

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Carmichael, Stokely and Charles Vernon Hamilton. Black Power: The Politics of Liberation. Random House, 1967.

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Bethune, Mary McLeod. "Certain Unalienable Rights." What the Negro Wants, edited by Rayford Logan. University of North Carolina Press, 1944.

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Goldman, Emma. "Anarchism: What It Really Stands For." Anarchism and Other Essays. Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1910.

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Child, Lydia Maria. An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans. Boston: Allen & Ticknor, 1833, ch. 6.

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Newton, Huey. Revolutionary Suicide. Random House, 1973, ch. 16.

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Original Citation

Sinclair, Upton. "The Jungle." Appeal to Reason, 25 Feb. 1905-4 Nov. 1905.

Current Citation

Sinclaire, Upton. The Jungle. Dover Publications, 2001, ch. 3.

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Federal Court. US v. Eugene V. Debs. RG 21, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Criminal Case Files, 1912–1977, Criminal Case #4057. 9. NYT, 10 Sept. 1918.

Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots.

Barbara Ehrenreich

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Ehrenreich, Barbara. "Family Values." The Worst Years of Our Lives: Irreverent Notes from a Decade of Greed. HarperCollins, 1991.

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Original Citation

Biko, Steve. "Black Souls in White Skins?" SASO newsletter, July/August 1970.

Current Citation

Biko, Steve. "Black Souls in White Skins?" I Write What I Like: Selected Writings, edited by Aelred Stubbs. University of Chicago Press, 2002.

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Catt, Carrie Chapman. "Why We Ask for the Submission of an Amendment." U.S. Senate Committee meeting. 13 Feb. 1900, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Young, Whitney Moore, Jr. Beyond Racism: Building an Open Society. McGraw-Hill, 1969, ch. 4.

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Robeson, Paul. Testimony before House Un-American Activities Committee. Un-American Activities Committee meeting. 12 June 1956, Washington, DC, USA.

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Harrington, Michael. The Other America: Poverty in the United States. Macmillan Publishing Company, 1962, ch. 1.

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Gandhi, Mahatma. "The Secret of Swaraj." Young India, 19 Jan. 1921.

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Original Citation

Gandhi, Mahatma. "Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule." Indian Opinion, 1909

Current Citation

Gandhi, Mahatma. "Hind Swaraj." Gandhi: "Hind Swaraj" and Other Writings, edited by Anthony J. Parel. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

The people must know before they can act, and there is no educator to compare with the press.

Ida B. Wells

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Original Citation

Wells, Ida B. "Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases." 5 Oct. 1892, New York City, NY, USA.

Current Citation

Wells, Ida B. "Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases." Great Speeches by American Women. Dover Publications, 2012.

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Gandhi, Mahatma. Ethical Religion: Nithi Dharma. S. Ganesan, 1922.

Don't get rid of negative emotion, but just use it... Like the salt in your food.

Yoko Ono

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Yoko Ono [@yokoono]. "Don't get rid of negative emotion, but just use the salt in your food." Twitter, 27 Mar. 2016, 3:12 p.m.,