Black freedom struggle

Explore 3 quotes about Black freedom struggle

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Malcolm X. Speech at the founding rally of Organization of Afro-American Unity. Founding rally of Organization of Afro-American Unity. 28 June 1964, Audubon Ballroom, New York City, NY, USA.

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Jones, LeRoi (aka Imamu Amiri Baraka). "Tokenism: 300 Years for 5 Cents." Kulchur, Spring 1962, no. 5.

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Original Citation

Biko, Steve. "Black Souls in White Skins?" SASO newsletter, July/August 1970.

Current Citation

Biko, Steve. "Black Souls in White Skins?" I Write What I Like: Selected Writings, edited by Aelred Stubbs. University of Chicago Press, 2002.