
Explore 15 quotes by Catholics

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Cardinal Ratzinger, Joseph (later Pope Benedict XVI). "Homily of His Eminence Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger." Conclave of cardinals, Mass. 18 Apr. 2005, St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Rome, Italy.

The social progress, order, security and peace of each country are necessarily connected with the social progress, order, security and peace of all other countries.

Pope John XXIII

Pacem in Terris

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Pope John XXIII. "Pacem in Terris [Peace on Earth]." Litterae Encyclicae [Encyclical Letter]. 11 Apr. 1963, pt. 4.

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Pope Francis. "God Never Tires of Forgiving Us, Pope Reflects." Catholic News Agency, 28 Mar. 2014. Originally a mass meeting. 28 Mar. 2014, St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Rome, Italy.

The end justifies the means.

Hermann Busenbaum

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Busenbaum, Hermann. Medulla Theologiae Moralis. 1650.

The new philosophy proceeds from the world, the book of God.

Tommaso Campanella

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Campanella, Tommaso. Apologia pro Galileo [In Defense of Galileo]. Frankfurt am Main: Gottfried Tampach, 1622, ch. 4.

Current Citation

Campanella, Thomas. Defense of Galileo, translated by Richard J. Blackwell. University of Notre Dame Press, 1994, ch. 4.

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Pope John Paul II. Quoted in His Holiness: John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our Time, written by Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi. Doubleday, 1996.

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Pope John Paul II. Homily of John Paul II. Eucharistic Celebration, Apstolic Journey to the United States. 8 Oct. 1995, Oriole Park at Camden Yards, Baltimore, MD, USA.

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Pope Pius XII. "Radiomessaggio di su Santita Pio XII Nel V Anniversario Dall'inizio della Guerra Mondiale [Radio Message from His Holiness Pius XII on the Fifth Anniversary of the Beginning of the World War]." Federal Communications Commission. 1 Sept. 1944, Vatican City, Rome, Italy.

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Bloy, Leon. L'ame de Napoleon [The Soul of Napoleon]. 1912, introduction.

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Pope John Paul II. "Text of Pope's Speech at Rome Synagogue: 'You Are Our Elder Brothers.'" The New York Times, 14 Apr. 1986, sec. A, p. 4. Originally was a speech to the Jewish Community of Rome. 13 Apr. 1986, Great Synagogue of Rome, Rome, Italy.

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Pope John Paul II. Quoted in "Vatican Details Final Days of Pope John Paul II." Written by Brian Wingfield. The New York Times, 18 Sept. 2005. Originally his last words before he died on 2 Apr. 2005.

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Libosus of Vaga. Quoted in De Baptismo Contra Donatistas [On Baptism, Against the Donatists]. c. 400, bk. 3, ch. 6, sect. 9.

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Pope John Paul II. Speech on the occasion of the eighth world youth day. Farewell ceremony. 15 Aug. 1993, International Airport of Denver, Denver, CO, USA.

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Pope Francis. "On Gay Priests, Pope Francis Asks, 'Who Am I to Judge?" The New York Times, July 2013.

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Pope John Paul II. Quoted in His Holiness: John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our Time, written by Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi. Doubleday, 1996.