
Explore 13 quotes by Naturalists

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Muir, John. Journal entry. 18 July 1890.

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Original Citation

Beston, Henry. The Outermost House. Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1928, ch. 1.

Current Citation

Beston, Henry. The Outermost House. Holt Paperbacks, 2003, ch. 1.

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Leopold, Aldo. "The Land Ethic." A Sand County Almanac: And Sketches Here and There. Oxford University Press, 1949.

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Authentication Score 3


Muir, John. Journal entry. July 1890.

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Authentication Score 3


Muir, John. Journal entry. July 1890.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 3


Muir, John. Journal entry. July 1890.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Muir, John. "The Yellowstone National Park." Atlantic Monthly, Apr. 1898.

Current Citation

Muir, John. "The Yellowstone National Park." Our National Parks. Dover Publications, 2019.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Muir, John. Journal entry. 1869.

Current Citation

Muir, John. "My First Summer in the Sierra." John Muir: Nature Writings. Library of America, 1997, ch. 10.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 3


Leopold, Aldo. "The Land Ethic." A Sand County Almanac: And Sketches Here and There. Oxford University Press, 1949.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Muir, John. Journal entry. 1869.

Current Citation

Muir, John. "My First Summer in the Sierra." John Muir: Nature Writings. Library of America, 1997, ch. 6.

More information about this quote

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Beston, Henry. The Outermost House. Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1928, ch. 3.

Current Citation

Beston, Henry. The Outermost House. Holt Paperbacks, 2003, ch. 3.

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Krutch, Joseph Wood. "Reverence for Life: The Vandal and the Sportsman." The Great Chain of Life. Houghton Mifflin, 1956.

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Authentication Score 3


Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac: And Sketches Here and There. Oxford University Press, 1949, foreword.