Authentication Score 3
Herbert, Frank. Chapterhouse: Dune. Putnam, 1985.
Arnold, Matthew. "Dover Beach." New Poems. London: Macmillan and Co., 1867, I. 9.
Arnold, Matthew. "Dover Beach." Dover Beach and Other Poems. Dover Publications, 2012, I. 9.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe. "Stanzas Written in Dejection, near Naples." Posthumous Poems. London: John and Henry L. Hunt, 1824, I. 11.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe. "Stanzas Written in Dejection-December 1818, near Naples." Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Major Works, edited by Zachary Leader and Michael O'Neill. Oxford University Press, 2009, I. 11.
Shakespeare, William. Shake-speares Sonnets. London: Thomas Thorpe, 1609, sonnet 60, I. 1.
Shakespeare, William. "The Sonnets." The Norton Shakespeare, edited by Stephen Greenblatt, et al., 3rd ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 2015, sonnet 60.
Beston, Henry. The Outermost House. Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1928, ch. 3.
Beston, Henry. The Outermost House. Holt Paperbacks, 2003, ch. 3.