
Explore 4 quotes about Balance

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Authentication Score 3


Herbert, Frank. Chapterhouse: Dune. Putnam, 1985.

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Original Citation

Xenophanes. Fragments. 5th century BC, F16 - DK22 B110.

Current Citation

Xenophanes. "Xenophanes of Colophon." The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists. Oxford World Classics, 2009, F16 - DK22 B110.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Whitman, Walt. "Me Imperturbe." Leaves of Grass. Boston: J. R. Osgood, 1881-82.

Current Citation

Whitman, Walt. "Me Imperturbe." Leaves of Grass and Other Writings. W. W. Norton & Company, 2002.

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Authentication Score 2


Ptahhotep. The Maxims of Ptahhotep. c. 2375, maxim 25.