
Explore 1213 quotes by Philosophers

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Carlyle, Thomas. "The Hero as Man of Letters." 19 May 1840, London, England, UK. Lecture.

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Original Citation

Carlyle, Thomas [published anonymously]. "Occasional Discourse on the Negro Question." Fraser's Magazine, Dec. 1849.

Current Citation

Carlyle, Thomas. "The Nigger Question." The Works of Thomas Carlyle, edited by Henry Duff Traill. Vol. 29, Cambridge University Press, 2010.

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Original Citation

Spinoza, Baruch. Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione [Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect]. 1677, ch. 1, sect. 3.

Current Citation

Spinoza, Baruch. "The Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect." Ethics: with The Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect and Selected Letters, edited by Seymour Feldman, translated by Samuel Shirley. Hackett Publishing Company, 1992, ch. 1, sect. 3.

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Huxley, Aldous. "A Case of Voluntary Ignorance." Collected Essays. Harper & Brothers, 1959. Originally published Esquire, 1 Oct. 1956.

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Santayana, George. Scepticism and Animal Faith. Charles Scribner's Sons/Constable And Company, 1923, ch. 9.

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James, William. The Principles of Psychology. Vol. 1, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1890, ch. 13.

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Scruton, Roger. How to Be a Conservative. Bloomsbury Continuum, 2014, preface.

Thought is only a gleam in the midst of a long night. But it is this gleam which is everything.

Henri Poincaré

The Value of Science

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Original Citation

Poincare, Henri. Valeur de la Science [The Value of Science]. Flammarion, 1904, ch. 11.

Current Citation

Poincare, Henri. The Value of Science: Essential Writings of Henri Poincare, edited by Stephen Jay Gould. Random House Publishing Group, 2001.

Under certain circumstances, one nowhere feels as lonely and lost as in the metropolitan crowd.

Georg Simmel

The Metropolis and Mental Life

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Simmel, Georg. "Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben [The Metropolis and Mental Life]." The First German Municipal Exposition. 1903, Dresden, Germany.

Current Citation

Simmel, Georg. "The Metropolis and Mental Life." Classic Essays on the Culture of Cities. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969.

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Searle, John R. "Minds, Brains, and Science." Reith Lectures. BBC Radio 4. 1984. Radio.

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Searle, John R. "Minds, Brains, and Science." Reith Lectures. BBC Radio 4. 1984. Radio.

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Baudrillard, Jean. Cool Memories: 1980-1985. Editions Galilee, 1987, ch. 1.

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Original Citation

Socrates. Quoted in Πολιτεία [Republic], written by Plato. c. 375 BCE.

Current Citation

Socrates. Quoted in Republic, written by Plato, translated by Desmond Lee. Penguin Classics, 2007.

How many things I can do without!


Quoted in The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, by Diogenes Laërtius

On looking at a multitude of goods exposed for sale.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Socrates. Quoted in Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laertius. c. 240 AD, bk. 2, ch. 5.

Current Citation

Socrates. Quoted in The Lives of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laërtius, translated by Pamela Mensch, edited by James Miller. Oxford University Press, 2018, bk. 2, ch. 5.

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Original Citation

Plato. Crito. 399 BCE.

Current Citation

Plato. "Crito." Plato: Euthyphro; Apology; Crito; Phaedo, translated by Christopher Emlyn-Jones and William Preddy. Harvard University Press, 2017.

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Original Citation

Aristotle. Ἠθικὰ Νικομάχεια, Ēthika Nikomacheia [Nicomachean Ethics]. c. 322 BC.

Current Citation

Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics, translated by Terence Irwin. Hackett Publishing, 2019.

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Original Citation

Aristotle. Quoted in Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laertius. c. 240 AD, bk. 5, ch. 1, sect. 17.

Current Citation

Aristotle. Quoted in The Lives of Eminent Philosophers, written by Diogenes Laërtius, translated by Pamela Mensch, edited by James Miller. Oxford University Press, 2018, bk. 5, ch. 1, sect. 17.

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Original Citation

Plato. Νόμοι [Laws]. c. 346 BC, bk. 7.

Current Citation

Plato. Laws, translated by Tom Griffith, edited by Malcolm Schofield. Cambridge University Press, 2016, bk. 7.

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Original Citation

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Jenseits von Gut und Böse: Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft [Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future]. Leipzig: C. G. Naumann, 1886, ch. 7, no. 227.

Current Citation

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond Good and Evil, translated by R. J. Hollingdale. Penguin Classics, 2003, ch. 7, no. 227.