
Explore 12 quotes by Photographers

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Lange, Dorothea and Robert Coles. Photographs of a Lifetime. Aperture, 1982.

I longed to arrest all beauty that came before me, and at length the longing has been satisfied.

Julia Margaret Cameron

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Cameron, Julia Margaret and Violet Hamilton. Annals of My Glass House: Photographs by Julia Margaret Cameron. University of Washington Press, 1997.

Museums have today become the new churches.

Christian Boltanski

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Boltanski, Christian. Interview with Tamar Garb. Christian Boltanski. Phaidon Press, 1997, p. 11.

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Lange, Dorothea. Dorothea Lange. Interviewed by Mark Durden. Phaidon Press, 2006, introduction, n.p.

I have seized the light. I have arrested its flight!

Louis Daguerre

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Tissandier, Gaston. A History and Handbook of Photography, edited by John Thomson, Sampson, Low, Marston, Low & Searle, 1876, p. 24.

I don't talk about success, I don't know what it is. Wait until I'm dead.

Imogen Cunningham

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Cunningham, Imogen. Interviewed by Paul J. Karlstrom and Louise Katzman. 9 June 1975, San Franacisco, CA, USA.

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Evans, Walker. Many are Called. Yale University Press, 2004, p. 197.

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Evans, Walker. Interviewed by Yale Alumni Magazine. 1974.

Everybody I have ever known or read about who was really a great artist has worked until they dropped dead.

Arnold Newman

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Newman, Arnold. Interviewed by Alexis Anne Clements. American Suburb X, 20 Oct. 2009,

It's more important to click with people than to click the shutter.

Alfred Eisenstaedt

Quoted in Life Magazine

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Eisenstaedt, Alfred. "Obituary." Life Magazine, 24 Aug. 1995.

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Cartier-Bresson, Henri. The Decisive Moment. Simon and Schuster, 1952.

The mission of photography is to explain man to man and each man to himself.

Edward Steichen

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Steichen, Edward. Speech in New York City. 90th Birthday Party c. 27 Mar. 1969, Plaza Hotel, New York City, NY, USA.