
Explore 10 quotes about Photography

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Lange, Dorothea and Robert Coles. Photographs of a Lifetime. Aperture, 1982.

I longed to arrest all beauty that came before me, and at length the longing has been satisfied.

Julia Margaret Cameron

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Cameron, Julia Margaret and Violet Hamilton. Annals of My Glass House: Photographs by Julia Margaret Cameron. University of Washington Press, 1997.

Photography is truth and cinema is truth twenty-four times a second.

Le Petit Soldat

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Le petit soldat [The Little Soldier]. Directed by Jean-Luc Godard, Les Productions Georges de Beauregard, 1963.

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Sontag, Susan. Regarding the Pain of Others. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003, ch. 5.

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Sontag, Susan. "The Heroism of Vision." On Photography. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1977.

I have seized the light. I have arrested its flight!

Louis Daguerre

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Tissandier, Gaston. A History and Handbook of Photography, edited by John Thomson, Sampson, Low, Marston, Low & Searle, 1876, p. 24.

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Shaw, George Bernard. "Bernard Shaw's Appreciation of Coburn." Camera Work, edited and published by Alfred Stieglitz, 1906, no. 15, p. 33.

It's more important to click with people than to click the shutter.

Alfred Eisenstaedt

Quoted in Life Magazine

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Eisenstaedt, Alfred. "Obituary." Life Magazine, 24 Aug. 1995.

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Cartier-Bresson, Henri. The Decisive Moment. Simon and Schuster, 1952.

The mission of photography is to explain man to man and each man to himself.

Edward Steichen

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Steichen, Edward. Speech in New York City. 90th Birthday Party c. 27 Mar. 1969, Plaza Hotel, New York City, NY, USA.