What the American public doesn't know is what makes them the American public, alight? Tommy Boy Watch Tommy Boy at Amazon Watch Tommy Boy at Amazon Instagram sharing coming soon. Quote text and source copied to clipboard. Link to this quote copied to clipboard. More information about this quote Topic Americans The masses Speaker Zalinsky Actor Dan Aykroyd Source Tommy Boy Medium Film Genre Comedy (film) Comedy Language English Time 1995 1990s 20th century Authentication Score 3 More information on Authentication Score coming soon. Citation Tommy Boy. Directed by Peter Segal, Paramount Pictures, 1995. Citation text copied to clipboard.
Another quote about The masses The mad mob does not ask how it could be better, only that it be different. And when it then becomes worse, it must change again. Thus they get bees for flies, and at last hornets for bees. Martin Luther Show More Info Instagram sharing coming soon. Quote text and source copied to clipboard. Link to this quote copied to clipboard. More information about this quote Topic The mob The masses Author Martin Luther Language German Time 1526 1520s 16th century Authentication Score 1 More information on Authentication Score coming soon. Original Citation Luther, Martin. Ob Kriegesleute auch in seligem Stande sein können [Whether Soldiers Can Also Be in a State of Grace]. c. 1526. Original citation text copied to clipboard. Current Citation Luther, Martin. "Whether Soldiers, Too, Can Be Saved." Works of Martin Luther, translated by C. M. Jacobs. Vol. 5, Baker Book House, 1982. Current citation text copied to clipboard. Show Less Info
Another quote from the following genre Comedy Wars, conflict - it's all business. One murder makes a villain; millions, a hero. Numbers sanctify, my good fellow! Charlie Chaplin There are no other quotes by this person in the Bon Mots database. Monsieur Verdoux There are no other quotes from this source in the Bon Mots database. Show More Info Watch Moniseur Verdoux on Amaozn Watch Moniseur Verdoux on Amaozn Instagram sharing coming soon. Quote text and source copied to clipboard. Link to this quote copied to clipboard. More information about this quote Topic War Speaker Henri Verdoux Actor Charlie Chaplin Source Monsieur Verdoux Medium Film Genre Comedy (film) Comedy Language English Time 1947 1940s 20th century Authentication Score 0 More information on Authentication Score coming soon. Citation Monsieur Verdoux. Directed by Charlie Chaplin, United Artists, 1947. Citation text copied to clipboard. Show Less Info