No athlete is crowned but in the sweat of his brow.
Authentication Score 1
Original Citation
Saint Jerome. Letter to Heliodorus. c. 374.
Current Citation
Saint Jerome. The Letters of Saint Jerome. Aeterna Press, 2016.
Saint Jerome. Letter to Heliodorus. c. 374.
Saint Jerome. The Letters of Saint Jerome. Aeterna Press, 2016.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Hesiod. Ἔργα καὶ Ἡμέραι [Works and Days]. c. 700 BC, l. 289.
Hesiod. "Works and Days." Theogony and Works and Days, translated by M. L. West. Oxford University Press, 2009, l. 289.
Augustine of Hippo. Confessiones [Confessions]. c. 398, bk. 8, ch. 7.
Augustine of Hippo. Confessions, translated by R. S. Pine-Coffin. Penguin Classics, 1961, bk. 8, ch. 7.
John 8:12
The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (John 8:12.)
Sextus Propertius. Elegies. c. 24 BC, bk. 2.
Sextus Propertius. Elegies, edited and translated by G. P. Goold. Harvard University Press, 1990, bk. 2.