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Burns, Robert. "Despondency: An Ode." Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Kilmarnock: John Wilson, 1786, I. 4.
Burns, Robert. "Despondency: An Ode." Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Kilmarnock: John Wilson, 1786, I. 4.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Burns, Robert. "To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest With the Plough, November, 1785." Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Kilmarnock: John Wilson, 1786.
Burns, Robert. "To a Mouse." Robert Burns: Selected Poems, edited by Carol Mcguirk. Penguin Classics, 1994.
Jefferson, Thomas. Letter to William Stephens Smith. 13 Nov. 1787.
Jefferson, Thomas. "Col. Smith, Nov. 13, 1787." The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Including the Autobiography, The Declaration of Independence & His Public and Private Letters, edited by Adrienne Koch and William Peden. Modern Library, 1998.
Hemingway, Ernest. "A Farewell to Arms." Scribner's Magazine, May 1929 - Oct. 1929, bk. 4, ch. 34.
Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell to Arms. Scribners, 1995, bk. 4, ch. 34.
Franklin, Benjamin. "Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor." 11 Nov. 1755. Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1755-1756. Philadelphia, 1756, pp. 19-21.
Franklin, Benjamin. "Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, 11 Nov. 1755." Founders Online, National Archives,