Explore 19 quotes from the year 1796

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Washington, George. "The Address of Gen. Washington to the People of America on His Declining the Presidency of the United States." Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser. Philadelphia: John Dunlap, 19 Sept. 1796.

Current Citation

Washington, George. "Farewell Address, September 19, 1796." George Washington: Writings, edited by John Rhodehamel. Library of America, 1997.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Burns, Robert. Quoted in "Auld Lang Syne." Scots Musical Museum. Written by James Johnson. 1796, st. 1.

Current Citation

Burns, Robert. "Auld Lang Syne." Robert Burns: Selected Poems, edited by Carol Mcguirk. Penguin Classics, 1994.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Washington, George. "The Address of Gen. Washington to the People of America on His Declining the Presidency of the United States." Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser. Philadelphia: John Dunlap, 19 Sept. 1796.

Current Citation

Washington, George. "Farewell Address, September 19, 1796." George Washington: Writings, edited by John Rhodehamel. Library of America, 1997.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Burke, Edmund. Two Letters to a Member of the Present Parliament, on the Proposals for Peace with the Regicide Directory of France. London: F. and C. Rivington, 1796, letter 1.

Current Citation

Burke, Edmund. Letters on a Regicide Peace." The Portable Edmund Burke, edited by Isaac Kramnick. Penguin, 2009, letter 1.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Washington, George. "The Address of Gen. Washington to the People of America on His Declining the Presidency of the United States." Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser. Philadelphia: John Dunlap, 19 Sept. 1796.

Current Citation

Washington, George. "Farewell Address, September 19, 1796." George Washington: Writings, edited by John Rhodehamel. Library of America, 1997.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Washington, George. "The Address of Gen. Washington to the People of America on His Declining the Presidency of the United States." Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser. Philadelphia: John Dunlap, 19 Sept. 1796.

Current Citation

Washington, George. "Farewell Address, September 19, 1796." George Washington: Writings, edited by John Rhodehamel. Library of America, 1997.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Washington, George. "The Address of Gen. Washington to the People of America on His Declining the Presidency of the United States." Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser. Philadelphia: John Dunlap, 19 Sept. 1796.

Current Citation

Washington, George. "Farewell Address, September 19, 1796." George Washington: Writings, edited by John Rhodehamel. Library of America, 1997.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Washington, George. "The Address of Gen. Washington to the People of America on His Declining the Presidency of the United States." Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser. Philadelphia: John Dunlap, 19 Sept. 1796.

Current Citation

Washington, George. "Farewell Address, September 19, 1796." George Washington: Writings, edited by John Rhodehamel. Library of America, 1997.

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Authentication Score 3


Chamfort, Nicolas. Maximes et Pensees. c. 1796, no. 91.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Burke, Edmund. Two Letters to a Member of the Present Parliament, on the Proposals for Peace with the Regicide Directory of France. London: F. and C. Rivington, 1796, letter 1.

Current Citation

Burke, Edmund. Letters on a Regicide Peace." The Portable Edmund Burke, edited by Isaac Kramnick. Penguin, 2009, letter 1.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Burke, Edmund. Two Letters to a Member of the Present Parliament, on the Proposals for Peace with the Regicide Directory of France. London: F. and C. Rivington, 1796, letter 1.

Current Citation

Burke, Edmund. Letters on a Regicide Peace." The Portable Edmund Burke, edited by Isaac Kramnick. Penguin, 2009, letter 1.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Maistre, Joseph. "De l'influence divine dans les constitutions politiques [On Divine Influence in Political Constitutions]." Considérations sur la France [Considerations on France]. Paris, 1796.

Current Citation

Maistre, Joseph. "On Divine Influence in Political Constitutions." Considerations on France, edited by Richard A. Lebrun. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

We aim at something more sublime and more equitable-the common good, or the community of goods... We demand, we would have, the communal enjoyment of the fruits which are for everyone.

Sylvain Marechal

Manifesto of the Equals

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Sylvain, Marechal. Quoted in "Manifeste des Egaux [Manifesto of the Equals]." Histoire de la conspiration pour Egalite dite de Babeuf, written by Phillipe Buonarotti. Bruxelles: A la librairie Romantique, 1828.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Washington, George. "The Address of Gen. Washington to the People of America on His Declining the Presidency of the United States." Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser. Philadelphia: John Dunlap, 19 Sept. 1796.

Current Citation

Washington, George. "Farewell Address, September 19, 1796." George Washington: Writings, edited by John Rhodehamel. Library of America, 1997.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre [Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship]. Berlin: Johann Friedrich Unger, 1785-1786, bk. 2, ch. 9.

Current Citation

Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship." Goethe: The Collected Works, edited and translated by Eric A. Blackall. Vol. 9, Princeton University Press, 1995, bk. 2, ch. 9.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Wollstonecraft, Mary. Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. London: Joseph Johnson, 1796, letter 19.

Current Citation

Wollstonecraft, Mary. Letters written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, edited by Tone Brekke and Jon Mee. Oxford University Press, 2009, letter 19.

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Authentication Score 3


Chamfort, Nicolas. Maximes et Pensees. c. 1796, no. 48.

O, we all acknowledge our faults, now; 'its the mode of the day: but the acknowledgement passes for current payment; and therefore we never amend them.

Frances Burney


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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Burney, Frances. Camilla. London: T. Payne and T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies, 1796.

Current Citation

Burney, Frances. Camilla. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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Authentication Score 3


Chamfort, Nicolas. Maximes et Pensees. c. 1796, no. 29.