At two hours after midnight appeared the land, at a distance of two leagues. They handed all sails and set the treo, which is the mainsail without bonnets, and lay-to waiting for daylight Friday, when they arrived at an island of the Bahamas that was called in the Indians' tongue Guanahaní.

A dos horas despues de media noche parecio la tierra de la cual estarian dos leguas Amanaron todas las velas, y quedaron con el treo, que es la vela grande sin bonetas, y pusieronse a la cords, temporizando hasta el dia viernes, que llegaron a una islita de los Lucayos, que se llamba en lengua de indios Guanahani.

Christopher Columbus

Referring to an island located in what is now the Bahamas.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Columbus, Christopher. Journal entry. 12 Oct. 1492.

Current Citation

Columbus, Christopher. The Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America 1492-1493, translated by Oliver Dunn and James E. Kelley, Jr. University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.