Authentication Score 2
De Unamuno, Miguel. Del Sentimiento Tragico de la Vida [The Tragic Sense of Life]. Sociedad anónima Editorial, 1913, ch. 8.
Belief in God
De Unamuno, Miguel. Del Sentimiento Tragico de la Vida [The Tragic Sense of Life]. Sociedad anónima Editorial, 1913, ch. 8.
Plato. Νόμοι [Laws]. c. 346 BC, bk. 10.
Plato. Laws, translated by Tom Griffith, edited by Malcolm Schofield. Cambridge University Press, 2016, bk. 10.
The Book of Common Prayer (American). Episcopal Church, 1928.
The Quran. c. 630, 2:136.
The Quran, translated by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem. Oxford University Press, 2005, ch. 2.
Nagel, Thomas. The Last Word. Oxford University Press, 1997, ch. 7.