Today I climbed the highest mountain in this region, which is not improperly called Ventosus (Windy). The only motive for my ascent was the wish to see what so great a height had to offer.

Altissimum regionis huius montem, quem non immerito Ventosum vocant, hodierno die, sola videndi insignem loco altitudinem cupiditate ductus, ascendi.


On Mont Ventoux in Provence, France.

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Original Citation

Petrarch. Letter to Dionigi da Borgo San Sepolcro. c. 1336.

Current Citation

Petrarch. "To Dionigi da Borgo San Sepolcro of the Augustinian Order and Professor of Sacred Scripture, concerning some of his personal problems." Letters of Familiar Matters (Rerum Familiarum Libri), translated by Aldo Bernardo. Vol. 1, Italica Press, 2008.