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Camus, Albert. Letter to a German Friend. c. 1944.
Camus, Albert. Letter to a German Friend. c. 1944.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Camus, Albert. La Chute [The Fall]. Editions Gallimard, 1956.
Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits
Russell, Bertrand. Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits. George, Allen and Unwin/Simon & Schuster, 1948, pt. 2, ch. 1.
Decatur, Stephen. Toast given at a dinner in Virginia. Apr. 1816, Norfolk, VA, USA.
Shaw, George Bernard. Everybody's Political What's What? Constable & Company/Dodd, Mead & Company, 1944, ch. 30.
Poincare, Henri. Valeur de la Science [The Value of Science]. Flammarion, 1904, ch. 11.
Poincare, Henri. The Value of Science: Essential Writings of Henri Poincare, edited by Stephen Jay Gould. Random House Publishing Group, 2001.