The Holocaust

Explore 13 quotes about The Holocaust

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Goering, Hermann. Directive to Reinhard Heydrich. 31 July 1941.

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Arendt, Hanna. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Viking Press, 1963. Originally published by The New Yorker, 16 Mar. 1963.

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Malraux, Andre. Antimemoires [Anti-memoirs]. Gallimard, 1967, sect. 2.

To write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric.

Theodor Adorno

Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft

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Adorno, Theodor. "Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft [An Essay on Cultural Criticism and Society]." Prismen, GS 10.1, 1955. Reprinted in Prisms, translated by Samuel and Shierry Weber. MIT Press, 1967.

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Meir, Golda. Speech at the United Jewish Appeal Rally. United Jewish Appeal Benefit Gala. 11 June 1967, Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY, USA.

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Goering, Hermann. Directive to Reinhard Heydrich. 31 July 1941.

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Murrow, Edward R. Broadcast report on Buchenwald concentration camp. 15 Apr. 1945, London, England, UK. Radio broadcast.

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Wiesel, Elie. The Times. 27 Jan. 1995.

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Jackson, Robert H. Summation for the prosecution. Nuremberg Trials. 26 July 1946, Palace of Justice, Nuremberg, Germany.

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Levi, Primo. I sommersi e i salvati [The Drowned and the Saved]. Einaudi, 1986, preface.

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Levi, Primo. The Drowned and the Saved, translated by Raymond Rosenthal. Simon & Schuster, 2017, preface.

This happened near the core
Of a world's culture. This
Occurred among higher things.
This was a philosophical conclusion.
Everybody gets what he deserves.

Alan Bold

June 1967 at Buchenwald

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Bold, Alan. A Perpetual Motion Machine. Chatto & Windus, 1969.

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Jackson, Robert H. "Opening Statement before the International Military Tribunal." 21 Nov. 1945, International Military Tribunal, Palace of Justice, Nuremberg, Germany.

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Appelfeld, Aharon. Quoted in "Writing Holocaust Memories." Written by Herbert Mitgang. The New York Times, 15 Nov. 1986.