Authentication Score 3
Wilson, Woodrow. "America First." Associated Press Luncheon. 20 Apr. 1915, New York City, NY, USA. Address.
Wilson, Woodrow. "America First." Associated Press Luncheon. 20 Apr. 1915, New York City, NY, USA. Address.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Barrie, J. M. Quoted in The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean, by R. M. Ballantyne. James Nisbet and Co., 1913, preface.
Fukuyama, Francis. "The End of History?" National Interest, summer 1989.
Eliot, T. S. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, June 1915, I. 1.
Eliot, T. S. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." The Waste Land and Other Poems. Vintage, 2021, I. 1.
Zedong, Mao. "Problems of War and Strategy." Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Party. 6 Nov. 1938, Yan'an, China.