Harper's Magazine

Explore 8 quotes from Harper's Magazine

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Brandeis, Louis. "What Publicity Can Do." Harper's Weekly, 20 Dec. 1913.

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Original Citation

Franzen, Jonathan. "Perchance to Dream: In the Age of Images, a Reason to Write Novels." Harper's Magazine, Apr. 1996.

Current Citation

Franzen, Jonathan. "Why Bother?" How to Be Alone. Picador, 2002.

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Russell, Bertrand. "In Praise of Idleness." In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays. George Allen & Unwin, 1935. Originally published in Harper's Magazine, Oct. 1932.

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Edison, Thomas. Quoted in "Edison in His Laboratory" by Martin André Rosanoff. Harper's Monthly, Sept. 1932.

A cultural Chernobyl.

Ariane Mnouchkine

On Euro Disney.

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Mnouchikine, Ariane. Quoted in "Apres Mickey, Le Deluge." Written by Jean Cau. Harper's Magazine, July 1992.

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Wells, H. G. "The Idea of a Permanent World Encyclopaedia." Harper's Magazine, Apr. 1937.

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Russell, Bertrand. "In Praise of Idleness." In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays. George Allen & Unwin, 1935. Originally published in Harper's Magazine, Oct. 1932.

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Hoagland, Edward. "The Tug of Life at the End of the Leash." Harpers Magazine, Feb. 1975.