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St. Augustine of Hippo. De Duabus Animabus Contra Manichaeos. [Concerning Two Souls, Against the Manichaeans.] 391 AD.
St. Augustine of Hippo. De Duabus Animabus Contra Manichaeos. [Concerning Two Souls, Against the Manichaeans.] 391 AD.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Augustine of Hippo. Confessiones [Confessions]. c. 398, bk. 1, ch. 1.
Augustine of Hippo. Confessions, translated by R. S. Pine-Coffin. Penguin Classics, 1961, bk. 1, ch. 1.
Homer. Ὀδύσσεια [Odyssey]. c. 710 BC, bk. 11, l. 489-491.
Homer. The Odyssey, edited by Bernard Knox, translated by Robert Fagles. Penguin Classics, 2006, bk. 11, l. 489-491.
Publilius Syrus. Sententiae. c. 1st century BC.
Herbert, Frank. Chapterhouse: Dune. Putnam, 1985.