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Gladiator. Directed by Ridley Scott. DreamWorks Pictures/ Scott Free Productions/Universal Pictures/Red Wagon Entertainment, 2000.
Gladiator. Directed by Ridley Scott. DreamWorks Pictures/ Scott Free Productions/Universal Pictures/Red Wagon Entertainment, 2000.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Luther, Martin. Ob Kriegesleute auch in seligem Stande sein können [Whether Soldiers Can Also Be in a State of Grace]. c. 1526.
Luther, Martin. "Whether Soldiers, Too, Can Be Saved." Works of Martin Luther, translated by C. M. Jacobs. Vol. 5, Baker Book House, 1982.
The Green Mile. Directed by Frank Darabont, Castle Rock Entertainment/Darkwoods Productions, 1999.
Freud, Sigmund. Stated to Marie Bonaparte during their psychoanalytic session. 8 Dec. 1925.