Authentication Score 3
Fight Club. Directed by David Fincher, Fox 2000 Pictures/Regency Enterprises/Linson Films, 1999.
Rock, Chris. Bigger & Blacker. HBO, 10 July 1999.
The Sixth Sense. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Hollywood Pictures/The Kennedy/Marshall Company/Spyglass Entertainment/Barry Mendel Productions, 1999.
The Matrix. Directed by The Wachowskis. Warner Bros./Village Roadshow Pictures/Groucho II Film Partnership/Silver Pictures, 1999.
American Beauty. Directed by Sam Mendes, Jinks/Cohen Company, 1999.
Hedberg, Mitch. Comedy Central Presents. Comedy Central, 5 Jan. 1999.
Rock, Chris. Bigger & Blacker. HBO, 10 July 1999.
Rock, Chris. Bigger & Blacker. HBO, 10 July 1999.
Hedberg, Mitch. Strategic Grill Locations. 7 Sept. 1999, The Laff Stop Comedy Club, Houston, Texas, USA.
Hedberg, Mitch. Strategic Grill Locations. 7 Sept. 1999, The Laff Stop Comedy Club, Houston, Texas, USA.
Handey, Jack. Quoted in L.A. Times. 18 Jan. 1999.
Hedberg, Mitch. Strategic Grill Locations. 7 Sept. 1999, The Laff Stop Comedy Club, Houston, Texas, USA.
Fight Club. Directed by David Fincher, Fox 2000 Pictures/Regency Enterprises/Linson Films, 1999.
Fight Club. Directed by David Fincher, Fox 2000 Pictures/Regency Enterprises/Linson Films, 1999.
Rock, Chris. Bigger & Blacker. HBO, 10 July 1999.
Rock, Chris. Bigger & Blacker. HBO, 10 July 1999.
Rock, Chris. Bigger & Blacker. HBO, 10 July 1999.
Rock, Chris. Bigger & Blacker. HBO, 10 July 1999.
Gore, Al. Interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. CNN, 9 Mar. 1999.