Authentication Score 2
Original Citation
Madison, James. Judicial Powers of the National Government, 20 June 1788.
Current Citation
Madison, James. Selected Writings of James Madison, edited by Ralph Ketcham. Hackett Publishing Company, 2006.
Madison, James. Judicial Powers of the National Government, 20 June 1788.
Madison, James. Selected Writings of James Madison, edited by Ralph Ketcham. Hackett Publishing Company, 2006.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Madison, James [published as Publius]. "Federalist No. 10: The Same Subject Continued: The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection." Daily Advertiser, 22 Nov. 1787.
Madison, James. "No. 10: An extensive republic a remedy for mischiefs of faction.--Madison." The Federalist: A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States, edited by Robert Scigliano. The Modern Library, 2001.
Gibbon, Edward. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Vol. 6, London: Strahan & Cadell, 1789, ch. 52.
Gibbon, Edward. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Volumes 1-6. Vol. 6. Everyman's Library, 2010, ch. 52.
Adams, John. Letter to Roger Sherman. 17 July 1789.
Adams, John. "Correspondence with Roger Sherman and John Taylor." The Portable John Adams. Penguin Classics, 2004.