Explore 6 quotes from the year 1800

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Original Citation

Jefferson, Thomas. Letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush. 23 Sept. 1800.

Current Citation

Jefferson, Thomas. "Dr. Benjamin Rush, Sept. 23, 1800." The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Including the Autobiography, The Declaration of Independence & His Public and Private Letters, edited by Adrienne Koch and William Peden. Modern Library, 1998.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Madison, James. Report of 1800. Philadelphia, Jan. 1800.

Current Citation

Madison, James. "Report on the Alien and Sedition Acts, January 7, 1800." James Madison: Writings, edited by Jack Rakove. Library of America, 1999.

In this world I would rather live two days like a tiger, than two hundred years like a sheep.

Tipu Sultan

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Authentication Score 3


Sultan, Tipu. Quoted in A View of the Origin and Conduct of the War with Tippoo Sultan, written by Alexander Beatson. W. Bulmer and Co., 1800, ch. 10.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Edgeworth, Maria. Castle Rackrent. London: J. Johnson, 1800, preface.

Current Citation

Edgeworth, Maria. Castle Rackrent, edited by Ryan Twomey. W. W. Norton & Company, 2014, preface.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Adams, John. Letter to Abigail Adams. 2 Nov. 1800.

Current Citation

Adams, John. My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams, edited by Margaret A. Hogan and C. James Taylor. Belknap Press, 2010.

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Authentication Score 2


Campbell, Thomas. The Turkish Lady. c. 1840.