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Wells, H. G. The Outline of History. George Newnes, 1920.
Wells, H. G. The Outline of History. George Newnes, 1920.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Ortega y Gasset, Jose. La deshumanización del Arte e Ideas sobre la novela [The Dehumanization of Art and Ideas about the Novel]. Revista de Occidente, 1925.
Ortega y Gasset, Jose. "The Dehumanization of Art." The Dehumanization of Art, and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature, translated by Helene Weyl. Princeton University Press, 2019.
Socrates. Quoted in Πολιτεία [Republic], written by Plato. c. 375 BCE.
Socrates. Quoted in Republic, written by Plato, translated by Desmond Lee. Penguin Classics, 2007.
Yeats, William Butler. "The Second Coming." The Dial, Nov. 1920.
Yeats, William Butler. "The Second Coming." W. B. Yeats: The Major Works, edited by Edward Larrissy. Oxford University Press, 2008.