Explore 36 quotes from the year 1920

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Original Citation

Yeats, William Butler. "The Second Coming." The Dial, Nov. 1920.

Current Citation

Yeats, William Butler. "The Second Coming." W. B. Yeats: The Major Works, edited by Edward Larrissy. Oxford University Press, 2008.

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Authentication Score 0

Original Citation

Yeats, William Butler. "The Second Coming." The Dial, Nov. 1920.

Current Citation

Yeats, William Butler. "The Second Coming." W. B. Yeats: The Major Works, edited by Edward Larrissy. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Are you lost daddy I asked tenderly.
Shut up he explained.

Ring Lardner

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Lardner, Ring. "The Young Immigrunts." Ring Lardner: Selected Stories. Penguin Classics, 1997. Originally published by The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1920, ch. 10.

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Original Citation

Owen, Wilfred. "Dulce et Decorum Est." Poems by Wilfred Owen. Chatto & Windus, 1920.

Current Citation

Owen, Wilfred. "Dulce et Decorum Est." The War Poems Of Wilfred Owen. Random House UK, 2018.

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Inge, William Ralph. "The Idea of Progress." Romanes Lecture. 27 May 1920, The Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, England, UK. Lecture.

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Original Citation

The United States Constitution. Amend. 19, sec. 1.

Current Citation

"The Constitution of the United States." The Constitution of the United States and The Declaration of Independence. Racehorse, 2016, amend. 19, sec. 1.

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Lippmann, Walter. "Journalism and the Higher Law." Liberty and the News. Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920.

No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother.

Margaret Sanger

Woman and the New Race

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Sanger, Margaret. Woman and the New Race. Brentano's, 1920, ch. 8.

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Fitzgerald, F. Scott. This Side of Paradise. Scribner, 1920, bk. 2, ch. 2.

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Original Citation

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. "Bernice Bobs Her Hair." Saturday Evening Post, May 1920.

Current Citation

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. "Bernice Bobs Her Hair." F. Scott Fitzgerald: Novels and Stories 1920-1922, edited by Jackson Bryer. Library of America, 2000.

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Mussolini, Benito. Editorial. Il Popolo d'Italia, 1920.

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Original Citation

Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt. "The Souls of White Folk." Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil. Harcourt, Brace And Howe, 1920.

Current Citation

Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt. "The Souls of White Folk." Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil, edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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Lawrence, D.H. Women in Love. Thomas Seltzer, 1920, ch. 11.

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Harding, Warren G. "Readjustment." Home Market Club meeting. 14 May 1920, Boston, MA, USA.

From religion comes a man's purpose; from science his power to achieve it.

William Henry Bragg

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Bragg, William Henry. "Sound in War." c. Christmas 1919, The Royal Institution, Westminster, London, England, UK. Lecture.

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Pound, Ezra. Hugh Selwyn Mauberley. The Ovid Press, 1920, pt. 1, poem 4.

It is only that which cannot be expressed otherwise that is worth expressing in music.

Frederick Delius

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Delius. "At the Cross-Roads." The Sackbut, Sept. 1920.

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Forster, E.M. "Notes on the English Character." Abinger Harvest. Edward Arnold & Co., 1936. Originally published in the Atlantic Monthly, 1920.

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Day, Clarence. This Simian World. Alfred A. Knopf, 1920, ch. 19.

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Authentication Score 1

Original Citation

Klee, Paul. "Schöpferische Konfession [Creative Confession]." Tribüne der Kunst und der Zeit. Eine Schriftensammlung [Tribune of Art and Time. A Font Collection]. Berlin: Von Kasimir Edschmid, 1920.

Current Citation

Klee, Paul. "Creative Confession." Creative Confession and Other Writings. Tate, 2014.