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Ritz, Cesar. Quoted in Piccadilly to Pall Mall: Manners, Morals and Man, by Ralph Nevill and Charles Edward Jerningham. Duckworth & Co, 1908.
Ritz, Cesar. Quoted in Piccadilly to Pall Mall: Manners, Morals and Man, by Ralph Nevill and Charles Edward Jerningham. Duckworth & Co, 1908.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
The Metropolis and Mental Life
Simmel, Georg. "Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben [The Metropolis and Mental Life]." The First German Municipal Exposition. 1903, Dresden, Germany.
Simmel, Georg. "The Metropolis and Mental Life." Classic Essays on the Culture of Cities. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969.
Baudelaire, Charles. Mon Coeur mis a nu [My Naked Heart]. Paris, 1887, no. 58.
Baudelaire, Charles. "My Heart Laid Bare." Late Fragments: Flares, My Heart Laid Bare, Prose Poems, Belgium Disrobed, translated by Richard Sieburth. Yale University Press, 2022, no. 58.
Talmud. Mishnah, Sanhedrin 4:9:1.
The Talmud: A Selection, translated by Norman Solomon. Penguin Classics, 2009, Fourth Order Neziqin, Fourth Tractate Sanhedrin (The Court) 4:9:1.