We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is.
Authentication Score 3
Hughes, Charles Evans. Speech before the Chamber of Commerce. 3 May 1907, Elmira, NY, USA.
Hughes, Charles Evans. Speech before the Chamber of Commerce. 3 May 1907, Elmira, NY, USA.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Shaw, George Bernard. The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet: A Sermon in Crude Melodrama. 10 Apr. 1909, Abby Theatre of Dublin, Liverpool, England, UK, pt. 1.
Shaw, George Bernard. "The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet." Playlets. Oxford University Press, 2021, pt. 1.
Brennan, William J, Jr. "The Constitution of the United States: Contemporary Ratification." Text and Teaching Symposium. 12 Oct. 1985, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA. Speech.
Speech in Birmingham, January 18, 1865
Bright, John. Speech in Birmingham. 18 Jan. 1865, Town Hall, Birmingham, England, UK.