Power of literature

Explore 24 quotes about Power of literature

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

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Bulwer-Lytton, Edward. Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy. 7 Mar. 1839, Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London, England, UK, act 2, sc. 2.

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Original Citation

Kafka, Franz. Letter to Oskar Pollak. 27 Jan. 1904.

Current Citation

Kafka, Franz. Franz Kafka: Letters to Friends, Family, and Editors, translated by Richard and Clara Winston. Schocken, 1990.

A library doesn't need windows. A library is a window.

Stewart Brand

How Buildings Learn

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Brand, Stewart. How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They're Built. Viking Press, 1994, ch. 3.

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Original Citation

Conrad, Joseph. The Nigger of the "Narcissus": A Tale of the Forecastle. Heinemann, 1897, preface.

Current Citation

Conrad, Joseph. "The Nigger of the '"Narcissus.'" The Secret Sharer and Other Stories. W. W. Norton & Company, 2015, preface.

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Fadiman, Clifton. Any Number Can Play. The World Publishing Company, 1957.

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Hazlitt, William. "Hamlet." Characters of Shakespear's Plays. London: Rowland Hunter and Charles Ollier and James Ollier, 1817.

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Original Citation

Orwell, George. "Why I Write." Gongrel, No. 4, Summer 1946.

Current Citation

Orwell, George. "Why I Write." Selected Essays, edited by Stefan Collini. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Original Citation

Milton, John. Areopagitca; a speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing, to the Parlament of England. London, 1644.

Current Citation

Milton, John. "Areopagitica." John Milton: Major Works, edited by Stephen Orgel and Jonathan Goldberg. Oxford University Press, 2008.

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Original Citation

Descartes, René [published anonymously]. Discours de la Méthode: Pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la vérité dans les sciences [Discourse on Method: To Conduct Reason Well, and Seek Truth in the Sciences]. Leiden, 1637, pt. 1.

Current Citation

Descartes, René. Discourse on the Method, translated by Ian Maclean. Oxford University Press, 2008, pt. 1.

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Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Quoted in Beloved Infidel: The Education of a Woman, written by Sheilah Graham and Gerold Frank. Henry Holt, 1958, ch. 22.

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Original Citation

Brecht, Bertolt. Die Mutter. Lebed der Revolutionärin Pelagea Wlassowa aus Twer. [The mother. Life of the Revolutionary Pelagea Vlassova from Tver.] 17 Jan. 1932, omödienhaus am Schiffbauerdamm, Berlin, Germany.

Current Citation

Brecht, Bertolt. The Mother. Grove Press, 1994.

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Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Journal entry. 18 May 1848.

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Original Citation

Calvino, Italo. "Perché leggere i classici? [Why Read the Classics?]" L'Espresso, 28 June 1981.

Current Citation

Calvino, Italo. Why Read the Classics? Penguin Classics, 2009.

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De Chateaubriand, François-René. Les Natchez. c. 1826, preface.

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Channing, William Ellery. "Self Culture." Franklin Lecture. Sept. 1838, Boston, MA, USA.

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Foer, Jonathan Safran. "The Hum Inside the Skull, Revisited," New York Times, 16 Jan. 2005, www.nytimes.com/2005//01/16/books/review/the-hum-inside-the-skull-revisited.html

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Original Citation

Hemingway, Ernest. "Old Newsman Writes: A Letter from Cuba." Esquire Magazine, 1 Dec. 1934.

Current Citation

Hemingway, Ernest. "Old Newsman Writes: A Letter from Cuba." By-line Ernest Hemingway, edited by William White. Scribner, 2003.

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Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. Nobel Lecture in Literature. 1970, Swedish Academy, Stockholm, Sweden.

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Howard, Jane. "Doom and Glory of Knowing Who You Are." Life Magazine, 24 May 1963.

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Lahiri, Jhumpa. "My Life's Sentences." Opinionator (blog). New York Times, 17 Mar. 2012, opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/17/my-lifes-sentences.