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"The Masseuse." Seinfeld, written by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld and Peter Mehlman, directed by Tom Cherones, season 5, episode 9, Shapiro/West Productions and Castle Rock Entertainment, 1993.
"The Masseuse." Seinfeld, written by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld and Peter Mehlman, directed by Tom Cherones, season 5, episode 9, Shapiro/West Productions and Castle Rock Entertainment, 1993.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
"The Old Man." Seinfeld, written by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld and Larry Charles, directed by Tom Cherones, season 4, episode 18, Shapiro/West Productions and Castle Rock Entertainment, 1993.
Casanova, Giacomo. Aus den Memoiren des Venetianers Jacob Casanova de Seingalt [From the Memoirs of the Venetian Jacob Casanova de Seingalt]. Vol. 1, Leipzig: Brodhaus, 1822, preface.
Casanova, Giacomo. History of My Life, vols. 1-2, translated by Willard R. Trask. Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966.
The Producers. Directed by Mel Brooks, Crossbow Productions, AVCO Embassy Pictures, 1967.
"The Raincoats." Seinfeld, written by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld and Tom Gammill, directed by Tom Cherones, season 5, episode 18, Shapiro/West Productions and Castle Rock Entertainment, 1994.
McCullough, Colleen. The Thorn Birds. Harper & Row, 1977, epigraph.