To govern is to choose.
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Levis, Pierre Marc Gaston. "Maximes de Politique." Maximes et reflexions sur differents sujets. Paris, 1808, no. 19.
Levis, Pierre Marc Gaston. "Maximes de Politique." Maximes et reflexions sur differents sujets. Paris, 1808, no. 19.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Die Wahlvenwandtschaften [Elective Affinities]. Tubingen: J. G. Cottaische Buchhandlung, 1809, bk. 1, ch. 9.
Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Elective Affinities, translated by David Constantine. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk. 1, ch. 9.
Murrow, Edward R. Tonight See It Now. CBS, 9 Mar. 1954.
Ionesco, Eugene. Rhinoceros. 1959, Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, Düsseldorf, Germany, act 1.