Authentication Score 3
"Homer vs. the 18th Amendment." The Simpsons, written by Matt Groening and James L. Brooks and Sam Simon, directed by Bob Anderson, season 8, episode 18, Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox Television, 1997.
The Simpsons
"Homer vs. the 18th Amendment." The Simpsons, written by Matt Groening and James L. Brooks and Sam Simon, directed by Bob Anderson, season 8, episode 18, Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox Television, 1997.
"This Little Wiggy." The Simpsons, written by Matt Groening and James L. Brooks and Sam Simon, directed by Neil Affleck and Jim Reardon, season 9, episode 18, Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox Television, 1998.
"Bart of Darkness." The Simpsons, written by Matt Groening and James L. Brooks and Sam Simon, directed by Jim Reardon, season 6, episode 1, Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox Television, 1994.
"The Canine Mutiny." The Simpsons, written by Matt Groening and James L. Brooks and Sam Simon, directed by Dominic Polcino, season 8, episode 20, Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox Television, 1997.
"Boy Scoutz 'n the Hood." The Simpsons, written by Matt Groening and James L. Brooks and Sam Simon, directed by Jeffrey Lynch, season 5, episode 8, Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox Television, 1993.
"Dead Putting Society." The Simpsons, written by Matt Groening and James L. Brooks and Sam Simon, directed by Rich Moore, season 2, episode 6, Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox Television, 1990.
"Bart vs. Thanksgiving." The Simpsons, written by Matt Groening and James L. Brooks and Sam Simon, directed by David Silverman, season 2, episode 7, Gracie Films and 20th Century Fox Television, 1990.