Beauty of nature

Explore 4 quotes about Beauty of nature

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Original Citation

Doyle, Arthur Conan. "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty." The Strand Magazine. London, 1893.

Current Citation

Doyle, Arthur Conan. "The Naval Treaty." The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. The Sherlock Holmes Collector's Library. Detective Fiction, 2023.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Aristotle. Περὶ ζῴων μορίων [Parts of Animals]. c. 350 BC.

Current Citation

Aristotle. "Parts of Animals I." Aristotle: Generation of Animals & History of Animals 1, Parts of Animals 1, translated by C. D. C. Reeve. Hackett Publications, 2019.

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Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.

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Authentication Score 3


Poincare, Henri. Science et methode [Science and Method]. Flammarion, 1914, bk. 1, ch. 3.