Effects of war

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Milton, John. "To My Lord Fairfax." Letters of State Written by Mr. John Milton. London, 1694, l. 10.

Current Citation

Milton, John. "On the Lord General Fairfax." John Milton: The Major Works, edited by Stephen Orgel and Jonathan Goldberg. Oxford University Press, 2008, I. 10.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Orwell, George. "The English Revolution." The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius. Searchlight Books, edited by T. R. Fyvel and George Orwell. Secker & Warburg, 1941, pt. 3, sec. 2.

Current Citation

Orwell, George. "The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius." The Collected Essays, Journalism And Letters Of George Orwell, vol. 2: My Country Right or Left 1940-1943, edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. David R. Godine, 2007, no. 17, pt. 3, sec. 2.