Authentication Score 3
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. George Allen & Unwin, 1954, ch. 10.
Adams, Abigail. Letter to John Adams. 31 Mar. 1776.
Adams, Abigail. My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams, edited by Margaret A. Hogan and C. James Taylor. Belknap Press, 2010.
Eliot, T. S. "Little Gidding." New English Weekly, Oct. 1942, pt. 5.
Sze, Sarah. "A Million Little Pieces." Interviewed by Andrea K. Scott. The New Yorker, 7 May 2012.
Kelly, Mary. Mary Kelly. Phaidon Press, 1997. Originally stated in an interview with Douglas Crimp. c. 1990.